Severn Bridge Sportive Information

The Severn Bridge Sportive is a fully supported and well established event in the UK Sportive calendar.
The event will offer riders the choice of a 60 or 100 mile route through some of the best countryside the area has to offer and you won’t need to decide on the route you’re taking until you get to the split point on the day!
The route will be clearly and comprehensively marked, with direction arrows at each turning and road junction. We will make sure that you are in no doubt as to where you should be heading so, if there is a long time between turnings, we’ll put up some confirmation arrows to give you some reassurance that you haven’t missed a turn. However, in the unlikely event that you take a wrong turn at any point or if signs have been dislodged, retrace to the last sign you saw. Alternatively you can call the event control number for help – please try to have a mileage position to help us locate you!
Age Restrictions
The Severn Bridge Sportive will be open to riders aged 14 years and over. Parental consent is required for riders under the age of eighteen. Riders under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the ride. All riders under the age of 18 must wear cycling helmets.
Feed Stations
As well as food and refreshments at the HQ there will be a feed station out on the route at approximately the halfway point for the 60 mile route and one third distance for those riders doing the longer route, the long route will use the feed station as they return as well. A variety of food such as fruit, cakes, sandwiches and tea and coffee as well as basic First Aid kits and spares/tools will be available.
Mechanical support
This will be available at the Event HQ, where a mechanic will be on hand to help you out if you have any concerns about your bike before you set out. However, please note that you should not leave it until the morning of the event to sort out any problems with your bike – as this may result in a delay to you starting or you missing the event completely! They will also have spares and accessories for sale.
Event HQ
The Severn Bridge Sportive HQ will be based at Castle Combe Circuit near Chippenham in Wiltshire.
Castle Combe Circuit, Castle Combe, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 7EY
The event HQ will open at 7am for pre-event registration, where you will need to sign on and collect your bike number, timing chip and emergency contact details. There are plenty of toilets, and changing areas (please DO NOT leave belongings in the changing rooms).
Start time
The Sportive itself will start at 8am, with riders leaving in ‘manageable’ groups with approx. 2 minute intervals between each group. Riders for both the 60 mile and 100 mile route can set off together, and will be in no particular order. All riders MUST be on the road by 9am.
Safety Information
The event will be covered by Medibikes. All riders must remember that they are riding on the public highway and MUST comply with the Highway Code and the laws of the road.
As well as Medibikes out on the route, there will also be First Aid provision at the feed station and back at the Event HQ at Castle Combe Circuit.
Contact Information / Further Queries
If you have any further queries about the event, please contact Andy Cook Cycling Ltd on:
Tel: 01249 783399
We are pleased to be able to confirm that top cycling photographer Rich Lewton will be the official photographer for the Severn Bridge Sportive and will be out on the course taking pictures of every rider. Riders will be given a laminated bike number (to be fixed to your handlebars) in order that you may easily identify your photos. Visit to see Rich’s work.